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[Windows DevelopText-PDF程序

Description: 一款关于 Text文件转换为PDF文件 的基于VC#.Net的程序及代码,是初学者及中级水平人士的良好教材. 机会不容错过!-one of the Text file conversion to PDF files based VC#. Net procedures and code of beginners and intermediate levels of good teaching. The opportunity should not be missed!
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: | Hits:


Description: C语言编程实例pdf-C language programming examples pdf
Platform: | Size: 8341504 | Author: | Hits:


Description: PDF-API2-
Platform: | Size: 410624 | Author: 曾维宏 | Hits:

[File Operate读写pdf文件的程序开发库源码 (vc++)

Description: 读写pdf文件的程序开发库源码 (vc++)-literacy program for the source (vc)
Platform: | Size: 3820544 | Author: 李长宾 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPDF转化成word

Description: PDF转化成Word,标准C,平台无关。-Convert PDF to Word, Standard C, Independent of Platform .
Platform: | Size: 473088 | Author: 利用 | Hits:

[Data structs数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述123章

Description: C++的数据结构算法,pdf格式的.这是第一,二,三章.以后的我会陆续传的.-C data structure algorithms, pdf format. This is the first, two, three chapters. Later I will continue to obscure.
Platform: | Size: 2350080 | Author: Dwight Wong | Hits:


Description: 介绍c#语言的语法,本书最适合初学者使用 也可对熟悉c#的开发人员提供参考-introduced c# language syntax, the book most suitable for beginners can also familiar with the c# developers provide reference
Platform: | Size: 1280000 | Author: 吴佳泽 | Hits:


Description: 当年著名的《c++ view》电子杂志,现在已经停止发行了,收录了全部的七期杂志,格式为PDF。-was the famous "c view" electronic magazine, has now issued a stop, a collection of all the seven magazines, for the PDF format.
Platform: | Size: 3519488 | Author: 反语 | Hits:


Description: C++ Primer 3rd Edition 中文完美版.pdf-C Primer 3rd Edition perfect Chinese version. Pdf
Platform: | Size: 3993600 | Author: 石头 | Hits:


Description: 不可多得的C++ STL 教程,由候杰先生翻译,本人看后觉得讲的比较透彻,希望与大家共享。-Rare C++ STL Tutorial by-designate, Mr. Jie translation, I think the speakers look after a thorough comparison, I hope to share with everyone.
Platform: | Size: 3716096 | Author: gg | Hits:


Description: 这里提供的是《Embedded C》(C语言嵌入式系统开发)一书的高清PDF下载。-Here is the Embedded C (C language for embedded systems development) of a book on high-definition PDF download.
Platform: | Size: 2159616 | Author: li | Hits:


Description: 用XML轻松开发WEB站点(PDF) 本版书是一本专门介绍如何用XML开发Web网站的书。XML(eXtensible Markup Language) 作为网络发展新一代可扩展标识语言,被誉为“继Java之后最激动人心的技术”。在HTML语言已为广大网络编程者熟悉的 现在,随着网络的成长,需要更方便和完美的技术来满足个人设计的需要。 与HTML相比较,XML具有更强的兼容性和扩展性。用XML书写的文档更简洁也更易于执行,使网络时代又走向了新的境界——全面包容、开放的程序设计。-XML easier with the development of WEB site (PDF) Excerpts book is devoted to an introduction how to develop Web sites using XML book. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as a new generation of network development Extensible Markup Language, known as
Platform: | Size: 5642240 | Author: | Hits:


Description: C+Interfaces+and+Implementations 这是C语言接口与实现一书的源码.-C+ Interfaces+ And+ Implementations This is the C language interface and implementation of a source book.
Platform: | Size: 10301440 | Author: donkey | Hits:


Description: 经典书籍:C Primer Plus(第五版)中文版和源代码 本书全面讲述了C语言编程的相关概念和知识。全书共17章。第1, 2章学习C语言编程所需的预备知识。第3到15章介绍了C语言 的相关知一识,包括数据类型、格式化输入输出、运算符、表达式、流程控制语句、函数、数组和指针、字符串操作、内存管理、位操作等等,知识内容都针对C99标准 另外,第10章强化了对指针的讨论,第12章引入了动态内存分配的概念,这些内容更加适合读者的需求。第16章和第i7章讨论了C预处理器和C库函数、高级数据表示(数据结构)方面的内容。附录给出了各章后面复习题、编程练习的答案和丰富的C编程参考资料。本书适合希望系统学习和巩固C编程技术的程序员 C语言的读者,也适用于精通其他编程语言并希望进一步掌握 -err
Platform: | Size: 45232128 | Author: deng | Hits:


Description: C++ STL(PDF).一本好书 c++ 程序员必备的。-C++ STL(PDF).C++ STL(PDF).C++ STL(PDF).C++ STL(PDF).C++ STL(PDF).C++ STL(PDF).
Platform: | Size: 9674752 | Author: 明明 | Hits:


Description: [C++编程思想(两卷合订本)].(Bruce等).刘宗田等.扫描版pdf(C++Programming thought)
Platform: | Size: 39649280 | Author: Blooming | Hits:


Description: 一本介绍游戏开发的书籍,通俗易懂,从底层出发,从简到繁,以c语言为开发语言,即使你只学过c语言一点皮毛也能上手这本书。(An introduction to game development books, easy to understand, starting from the ground, from simple to complex, with C as the development language, even if you only learned C language a little bit can use this book.)
Platform: | Size: 21481472 | Author: 开局一条狗 | Hits:

[BooksEffective C++中文版第三版 高清PDF

Description: C++学习资料,高清版PDF,Effective C++中文版第三版 高清PDF(C++ learning materials, HD version PDF, Effective C++ Chinese version third HD PDF)
Platform: | Size: 17206272 | Author: DoDong | Hits:


Description: 妙趣横生的算法pdf版+C语言实现代码,学习数据结构的良品(Amusing algorithm pdf +C language implementation code, learning data structure)
Platform: | Size: 57903104 | Author: noblezhao | Hits:


Description: c++ primer习题 pdf格式 配套c++primer(c++ primer exercises pdf c++primer)
Platform: | Size: 784384 | Author: icy冰块君 | Hits:
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